OPEN HOUSE December 10th and 11th
Most of 2016 has come and gone! It just flew by. But now we start the joy of the Holiday Season! The Termesphere Gallery will be opened and ready to spread holiday cheer from 9 to 5 every every weekend and Black Friday after Thanksgiving. Don’t miss our annual Holiday Open House on December 10th and 11th. There will be goodies and live music with Lang Termes. Plus, as a special holiday treat, everything at the gallery and online will be 10% off during the weekend of the Holiday Open House! Online coupon code here
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Workshops in Shanghai, China
at Concordia International School
Dick and Markie are going to China at the end of November! Dick was invited to conduct workshops for a week at Concordia International School of Shanghai. The first day he will work with the teachers and then he will spend four days working with middle and high school art students. The workshops will focus on drawing, exploring polyhedra, experimenting with six point perspective. The students will have the opportunity to design their own spheres. Let us know if you have recommendations on things we should see or do while we are there.Send a note to comments@termespheres.com with your suggestions.
Up Down and All Around
The Hands On Partnership Traveling Teaching Center known as “Up Down and All Around” has returned to the Termesphere Gallery! In 2009, the Discovery Center in Pierre, SD, asked Dick to create a traveling learning center for community spaces such as libraries or schools. It has successfully toured around the state, but this fall,we brought it home to the gallery. We will be taking “Up Down and All Around” Traveling Learning Center on the road throughout the country. Keep your eye out for it near you!
New Sphere
“Man in Universe”

This is a 16-inch diameter sphere that shows cubical structures moving off in six directions to infinity. These cubical structures are floating in the dark blue space of stars, planets, solar systems, and other universes. The cubes represent man and intelligence in the universe. It is similar to how we are floating and spinning on the Earth in the universe of stars. We are out there and very alone.

Dick did a residency in Watertown, SD last month. It was a blast! This workshop was on perspective. Watertown High School students participated in the workshop and achieved some very exciting results. While in Watertown, Dick was able to install a12-piece show at the Watertown Regional Public Library that ran from October 3rd to November 3rd. He opened the show with a lecture and video about his spherical paintings. A wonderful group of people was in attendance and asked a lot of really great questions.

On October 12th and 13th, Dick returned to worked with high school and middle school students in Thermopolis, WY. He worked with Jennifer Emery‘s high school art class on some advanced perspective systems and delivered a lecture on his work to the group.While in Thermopolis, he also worked with three groups of fifth graders to explore three-dimensional structures with a magnetic tool. The students built some very incredible structures that just might show up in the future as New York city skyscrapers when they become architects!
I was also part of the Art Walk the last night that I was there. I had ten adults working on spheres and the results were wonderful.
Black Hills Mova

Black Hills Mova is one of most popular items in our gallery. It is a 4 ½ inch reproduction of a 16” Termesphere entitled “At One.” This solar powered rotating globe proudly displays 24 different sites from around the Black Hills. It is a wonderful Black Hills keepsake for people visiting the area. Locals will like it because it really illustrates the reasons why they choose to live here. Keep this Mova in mind as It is a perfect gift for those who grew up in the Hills and yearn for a trip down memory lane. Take a look at the piece for yourself by watching this youtube video. for this piece can be found at Black Hills Mova
You can view a video about this piece here.
Alyce’s Chicago Cubs Story

Alyce Schavone—long time resident of Spearfish—turned 89 years old on November 2nd!
She said she wanted nothing more than to have the Cubbies win the Worlds Series.
Fortunately, the Chicago Cubs won the world series on her birthday this year! She has always been such a huge fan that she commissioned a Termesphere® entitled “The Old Ball Game.”
Here is a little story from Dick about how
“The Old Ball Game” happened.
Tony Schavone would always tell me that I had to do a Termesphere® of Wrigley Field whenever we saw one another. When Tony had passed away, Alyce came up to me and said, ”You know, Tony always wanted you to paint a sphere of Wrigley Field. Let’s do it!”
So I went to Chicago. My niece, Chanda Termes, met me in Chicago and she showed me around. She was a great help, and she even went with me to a Cubs game. I spent most of the game taking photos of the environment so I would be able to remember exactly what it looked like when I got home to paint.
Before I could finish taking photos, a guard stopped me because I was blocking the view in front of some of the people who were trying to watch the game. I can’t blame the people for complaining but I also needed the shot as I was missing one very important view. In order to get the complete set of twelve shots I needed to complete the sphere,I had to sneak back to the spot later and shoot three or four shots to fill the missing spot in. I, of course, did this while the guard was watching the game.
When I returned to my studio, I began putting the Wrigley Field environment onto the sphere. As I was painting fans into the stadium, I realized I could place people Alyce knew who were also strong Cubbies fans. I also painted my father in there too. I surprised Alyce by putting Tony in the audience as a young child and also as an older man. Tony went to games alone when he was very young. Alyce’s family shows up throughout this piece. In the sky above the field, there are lighter images of Babe Ruth pointing his home run, Harry Caray with his microphone, and Sammy Sosa.