On July 12th, in honor of Dick’s 50 years of painting Termespheres, we reached out to the Facebook fans of the Termesphere Gallery. We asked them to share their favorite memories they have had with Dick Termes, at the Termesphere gallery or just with Termespheres in general. The results were (to say the very least) overwhelming! Here are some of the responses we received.
Dick participated as the Artist in the Schools Program in Lemmon South Dakota in 1973-74. My wife and I were teaching there at the time and we’re enthralled by the Termesphere and the concept of the Hole in Space.
My wife Esther made him a Termesphere birthday cake. I don’t know if he has ever had one since. I’m not telling how many candles should have been on it.
Dick is the man!
My first Termesphere was the one at the Rushmore Plaza Civic Center. I don’t remember a time when it wasn’t there.
My first experience with Dick himself was at the gallery. He took time out of his busy schedule to welcome my international students and to explain his art, his style, his method, and his views of the world. I take my students each semester because it is a perfect way to introduce them to Spearfish… and because Dick’s an incredibly generous and genius human.
People always notice and comment on my MOVA, the fish, while six-point perspective is just normal to my four-year-old granddaughter.
I learned of Termespheres reading the book ‘Masters of Deception’ back in 2006. I was thrilled to see the artist, Dick Termes, was based in South Dakota and was determined to purchase a termesphere some day. 2 years later, I flew out to meet him, bringing my wife and young son. Dick and Markie were incredibly gracious hosts that afternoon, welcoming us kindly and sharing their artistic passions. We toured the gallery and Dick’s studio… and I went home the proud owner of ‘The Spirit of Gothic Hall’. I still hope to make a return visit someday… sorry it can’t be for the 50th celebration
We visited the gallery last year and were fascinated by his spheres! We got to meet Dick an suggested that he do a sphere of the History of the West Baden Dome! Still in love with Dripping Dreams
We came to their house for lunch and stayed for marvelous termespheres!! Dick was crawling into the chaos and order sphere to paint on the inside!
I remember the days when Dick wanted to have some publicity items such as photo shoots and he did everything himself. Once when I was at the dome, he had me stand holding a sphere in order to get the shot he wanted. It was always exciting to be part of what was happening at the dome. Now Dick has these amazing kids and nieces and nephews that are brilliant in technology and promotion – everything fits!
One of my most treasured memories –
I was sitting at a table in Common Grounds by myself, having my Saturday morning coffee.
Dick walked over and asked if he could join me, of course Markie was with him.
That was the beginning of many years of weekly Saturday or Sunday coffees and conversations.
One fun memory – after I had moved to Minnesota, Dick was the artist in residence at St Olaf College, just 13 miles from home. I showed up unannounced at the artist reception. I still smile at the look of surprise on his face when he saw me.
Congratulations on 50 years my friend!
I got to take a perspective class with Dick Termes. It was offered at a conference for art teachers. The class was so good I took it twice!
The first Termesphere that I ever saw was the one that he did for the Iron Horse Saloon in Medora, North Dakota. I never thought at the time that I would ever know him personally.
It was 2001/2002 my first academic year of college. I was attending University of South Alabama in Mobile. The math department was teaming up with the visual arts and art history department to bring Termespheres for a showing.
In math that week my professor, Dr Silver, made us take a test. “There are three rectangles. Please pick the one most pleasing to you.” I circled my choice with a puzzled expression and questions floating around in my head.
The next class was art history. We learned about the Pantheon and how no camera can do it justice bc there are no flat surfaces. “You just have to go one day so you can experience this!” Dr Bob Bantens said.
I’d been handed flyers in both classes to go to this showing called Termespheres and had zero understanding of what it was, but, Dr Bob and Dr Silver were both very persuasive that if I didn’t go I’d be missing out on something spectacular. So I went. Even though I had no one to go with me and was slightly nervous to walk in by myself.
It was my first art exhibition, ever. I had no idea what to expect.
The first thing I saw was the Pantheon. The optical illusion of it spinning had me mesmerized. My eyes and mind honing in. “That’s what he meant when he said you had to experience it to understand.”
I’d shut out the noise of the entire room. My brain only focused on seeing the inside in all its round edges. I looked up. I looked down. I felt dizzy.
Someone tapped me on my shoulder and I jumped out of my skin. It was Dr Silver and Dr Bob. “What do you think?”
“I think I’m really glad I came! This is incredible.”
“Did you ever hear about the golden ratio?” Dr Silver asked.
“No clue.” I said. Trying my best to be respectful and listen to what they were saying even though the Pantheon was still drawing my eyes like a siren.
“It’s the test I had you take on rectangles. It’s what the Greeks used to create their temples and buildings from. It’s all over Dick Termes work too. Look closely my dear. You’ll learn more on Monday.”
“I can’t wait I said to my math professor.” Did I just say that about math class???
My professors smiled at me and let me get back to being mesmerized. I stayed until a man jingled his keys and cleared his throat.
I’ve never forgotten that night.
Congrats Mr Termes! 🍾
👏 Here’s to many more years!
I remember when I first visited the termes dome home! And swinging out of the tree house 😀 probably my first family reunion to spearfish
The school of math at the University is South Alabama in Mobile, Al. hosted an exhibition. I was fascinated. Years later my family and I took a trip to South Dakota. We were privileged to meet Mr. Termes at his studio. Definitely, a highlight of our trip.