On October 1, Termes loaded his trailer with a 24 piece show to take to the Fine Arts Gallery at CSU Pueblo. This was a magnificent place for a show. It was quite a challenge to hang because of the very tall ceilings and not many spots to hang the motors from but with a little bit of effort Termes found 24 good spots and got the show up and rotating. The staff was very helpful with this. The space was perfect for the show! The show was on display for a month.
The next three days Termes conducted an in depth workshop through the CSU Pueblo Art Department. This was an amazing group of students. Termes had them for 15 hours for one credit hour. The workshop ranged from one through six point perspective as well a study in three dimensional geometries. They each designed their own ball. Termes also introduced them to Tetra Art. Using the tetrahedron they explored tessellating patterns.