Thinking in the Round Exhibit
50 Termespheres are hanging and rotating in the Stan Adelstein and Lynda Clark Gallery at the Dahl Arts Center in Rapid City South Dakota. This is the largest exhibition I have ever put together. The space is wonderful for hanging Termespheres!
I recently developed a DVD on ONE THROUGH FIVE POINT PERSPECTIVE. This DVD shows me using grids to creating drawings of one through five point perspective. This system of using perspective grids is a wonderful new way to teach students. The DVD is in fast motion so you can go through the six drawings in 40 minutes.
Should an Artist Re-work Old Paintings?
The question is; should an artist ever take older works and go back into them years later? I guess my feeling is, sometimes it seems like a good idea. Sometimes after an idea circles in your mind for a number of years you understand more the second time around.
Common Grounds Sphere
My latest Termesphere is called COMMON GROUNDS. It is a 16 ” diameter sphere of our local coffee shop. Markie and I go for coffee there most mornings. I spend a lot of time watching people when we are there.
Termes Featured in Make Magazine
“In the Round” by Donna Tauscher was published in volume 17 of Makezine. To quote the information about the ezine, “MAKE is a quarterly project-based magazine… MAKE brings the do-it-yourself mindset to all the technology in your life.