This 24 piece exhibition was installed January 9th and goes to February 10th. A lecture will take place on my work on February 9th as well as the reception. The show will come back on the morning of the 11th. This is a wonderful spot for a Termesphere show. It is a large space with the lights focusing on the sphere. It makes them look like they are just out there floating in the room. This is a questionnaire requested by teachers who will be bring their students to the show.
What you might look for in this show:
- Can you pick one of the spheres that the subject is done using Six Point Perspective?
- If you were inside the sphere you are looking at would they make more sense?
- Can you see one of these spheres that everything comes out of triangles?
- When you look at Politically Correct what does the donkey turn into?
- What is the basic design structure that Hand of Unity grow out of?
- How would you paint a piece called Dancing Against Time? Inside and Outside?
- When you look at Caged, who is in the cage?
- Can you find two spheres that mainly play with geometry?
- What do you think the story is that they are reading in Story Tellers?
- If you were to pick which sphere you like the best which one would it be?
- Can you see one of these spheres where everything is created out of circles?
- When you first looked at this show what did you think?
- What did you think after studying this show?
- What is different about Bird People and Dripping Dreams and the other spheres?