Blind Faith Termesphere® on display at Black Hills Visitors Center

There is a new Termesphere® on display at the Black Hills Visitor Center in Rapid City South Dakota called BLIND FAITH.This is a nice opportunity. This piece is fun to look at because it shows an optical illusion structure that the people in the spherical painting are living in and climbing on.  The Penrose Tribar is the basis of this structure.  M.C. …

Workshops at Lander Wyoming

I just finished a four day residency in Lander Wyoming from March 4th through the 7th 2013.  I think this is the third year I have been there.  The first day I worked with the Middle School Art students with one and two point perspective. I use a grid system which makes learning perspective much easier.  Most teachers switch to …

The Thought Behind The Platonic Relationships Termesphere

This 36” diameter spherical painting, known as a Termesphere®, by Dick Termes is a study of the five regular polyhedra also known as the Platonic Solids. Geometers have studied the Platonic Solids for thousands of years because of their fascinating interconnectivity and logical beauty. Platonic Solids are polyhedron whose faces are congruent regular polygons, and where the same numbers of …


A few years ago I got a call from Kristie Maher, Executive Director of the South Dakota Discovery Center and Aquarium, Hands On Children’s Museum in Pierre SD. She explained to me that one of the most successful things they do at the Center is put together different displays that can be hauled by trailers to many towns in South …

Three Termespheres® of Deadwood

73,140 people have looked at the youtube of the Termesphere® titled REFLECTING BACK.   This is the sphere of the Adams House in Deadwood South Dakota. It shows how modern media has changed the world and art itself. In the past, I would have had to have it in Louvre to get that many people to see it.    You can see …

Show of Termespheres® at the School of Mines and Technology Library

There are 18 Termespheres® hanging in the Devereaux Library at the School of Mines and Technology in Rapid City South Dakota for the month of February.  The library environment is a wonderful place for my work.  It catches students that normally might not go to galleries to see my  work.  The environment is perfect for study and when they look …

LIFE’S UPS AND DOWNS explained on a Termesphere®

This Termesphere® is called LIFE’S UPS AND DOWNS.   It is a 16” diameter sphere which played off of a 15th century stairway in India that helped people get to a source of water far below.  These stairways interested me because they didn’t just go straight up but rather up and out with each new step.  This helped more people get …

What is a Termesphere®?

I am planning to spend a little more time on my blog.   That doesn’t mean I am giving up on Facebook,   I just plan to move you over to the blog for more details in some of my concepts so I have a little more room.   I really enjoy getting replies back from people on some of these ideas.  So …

Should an Artist Re-work Old Paintings?

The question is; should an artist ever take older works and go back into them years later?   I guess my feeling is, sometimes it seems like a good idea.  Sometimes after an idea circles in your mind for a number of years you understand more the second time around.   I haven’t done this very often but I have done it …