Storm Lake

Buena Vista University in Storm Lake Iowa hosted an 18 piece Termesphere showing.  We drove the show to Storm Lake. After it was hung there was a lecture and reception. The next two days, Dick did workshops with several classes. The Director the Art Gallery, Mary Mello-Nee and the students  were wonderful to work with. This  showing of Termespheres  was …


We went back to Storm Lake to pick up the 18 Termespheres to take them along with six others to North State University in Aberdeen South Dakota. This is a showing of 24 spheres.   They were hung in the newly remodeled Johnson Center.   It is a beautiful location. The show is in a wide hallway with lots of windows. A …

Clock Tower (Our Home)

Putting this sphere on the clock tower in Spearfish on the corner of Hudson and Main St  was the inspiration of Cheryl Johnson.  Termes spent   six months creating this piece of art. Because this is an outdoor piece, it took a lot of extra precautions. The sphere which is 3 feet across had to be primed, like a car. The …

Belle Fourche Sphere

Judy Helmer contacted me to do a sphere as a memorial for her husband, Bob Helmer, who passed away about one year ago.  Judy and I decided to focus this piece on the history of Belle Fourche.  Belle Fourche has a wonderful history with Seth Bullock leading the way. When this Termesphere is done, it will hang in the City …

Dakota Sphere

In 1981, Jane and Mac Haskell who lived in Huron South Dakota commissioned a Termesphere representing South Dakota. Now that both Jane and Mac have passed away, the Haskell family has donated their sphere called the Dakota Sphere to the South Dakota Arts Museum in Brookings South Dakota.  This sphere shows all of South Dakota on the bottom the sphere. …

Up, Down and All Around Display

This wonderful display was a co created by Termesphere Gallery and the Discovery Center in Pierre.  It is  a display Dick Termes put together.   It has many different stations students can explore things like drawing, perspective, three dimensional forms, polyhedrons, mobius bands There are two original Termespheres, three dimensional puzzles, tetra art and solar rotating spheres. It has toured the …