Common Grounds Sphere

My latest Termesphere is called COMMON GROUNDS.   It is a 16 ” diameter sphere of our local coffee shop.   Markie and I go for coffee there most mornings.  I spend a lot of time watching people when we are there.  Commons Grounds is a place where everyone, young and old, interact with one another.  Different tables have different topics of conversations.  The weather at one, religion and philosophy at another, business dealings at another,  and wifi connecting some with the world.  It has a feeling of community.


I thought it would make an interesting subject.  The building the coffee shop is in is one of the oldest buildings in  Spearfish SD.  I started this sphere by taking pictures of people at the tables without them knowing I was doing it.   I didn’t want people posing for me. I played with this technique years ago when I was going to Otis Art Institute in Los Angles.  I would walk around MacArthur Park pointing and shooting without bringing my camera to my eye.   It caught people being themselves. This worked very well at Common Grounds too.  Then I brought the sphere into Common Grounds to do all the drawing and much of the painting.   If I have a chance, I like to create Termespheres in the actual environments.  I found a windowed corner where I could see the whole scene to do my drawing and painting on the sphere.   I also enjoyed talking to people explaining the process.  Most were amazed how long it took to create this piece from beginning to end.   After it was finished, I hung it in Common Grounds.  It is exciting to see the reactions of the natives and visitors to it.  It will probably be there another month.  If you are in Spearfish, stop by and let me know what you think.

Comments 2

  1. Wow, like seriously Dick, you are on the very edge of some pioneer expressions, these arephenomenally amazing! I have been looking for a long time for some one gifted enough to draw in more than 3 or 4 dimensions but you’ve blown my mind man. Please keep wrapping and warping spacetime and know you have a huge fan in me.

  2. Dick and Markie, I and my family were at the thermosphere yesterday with our Son and two of our grandkids. Great experience. Really enjoyed viewing all the spheres and beautiful artwork. So very interesting. Kids love their finger puppets that they bought. Such a unique and beautiful place that you have. Thank you both for doing what you do.

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